Tuesday, February 12, 2008

More questions, some answers...

Okay, we've done this before... I've answered another one of those random questions that Blogger generates for user profiles. Click here to see mine.

The questions are sometimes too random to actually answer, so I skipped over these doozies:
When you had your shoes taken off for the first time, how surprised were you to see your toes?
"Sponges" and "tongues" are commonly misspelled words. Is that because they are both thirsty?

You get to take three rides on the big roller coaster, what will keep your dad from taking a bite out of your candy apple?

Instead, I chose to answer this one:
Q: Why does the color blue always mean raspberry?
A: It doesn't. It's a marketing ploy.

The only things that we regularly eat that is naturally blue are blueberries. I would only assume that some marketing honcho tasted their "blueberry" flavor, spit it out and said, "Well, we've got blue Popsicles, but they don't taste like any kind of real, so let's call it Blue-Razz and people can just suck it. Now call me my private jet and fly me back to my McMansion!"

So, that's what we've done ever since. We've sucked Blue-Razzberry Popsicles long and hard without questioning.

Well, now is the time to question!

What the heck DO they taste like?

Why is it necessary to add the Zs? Because they always do, it's never spelled with an S.

And why can't we just tell that honcho to shove it after he told us to suck it? Stick it to the man, that's what I always say!

I'll just be making my own Popsicles from now on, thank you very much.

Of course, Blogger only allows you to use 400 characters in your response, which cramps my style like letting the record skip in the middle of my mad flows, so what you'll find in my profile is a shorter answer to this cuter question:

If you hesitate hitting the snooze button in the morning, does that make you lazy?

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