Monday, January 28, 2008

They like me... they really like me!

So, it's not even the end of January and I already met one of my goals for 2008, which was get paid to do this writing thing.

Actually, that was one of my goals from 2007, but let's just say I rolled it over to this year.

Good Catch Publishing
, a small, up-and-coming house based in Oregon just asked me to join their staff of freelancers. GCP works predominantly with churches to put out books with the life stories of their members. The churches then use the books as an outreach tool, a fundraiser or just as giveaways.

I will come in to the process as a GCP journalist. Typically, I'll be assigned to interview one person, get their story and write it up for an upcoming book. Pretty exciting stuff, I think...

I don't know if they'll let me publish excerpts here, but if they'll allow it, I will. If not, um, well, I don't want to get fired, so you can call me and I'll read it to you over the phone and you can be mesmerized by the smooth, sultry sounds of my "reading voice."

1 comment:

Amy Zeleznock said...

Yay!! Congrats on the Job....once this "Super" hell week ends I'll have to call you to catch up again.