Saturday, July 7, 2007

Why you shouldn't read this...

So, welcome to my new blog. Or, actually, we could probably call it my first blog, since I think I wrote about 3 posts for my last one and mainly resorted to putting up links to random news stories of the day.

All together now, "laaaaaaame."

Before we get started, I figured I would cover a few things that I will not be covering for your reading enjoyment:

1) Television
Yeah, sure, I've worked in TV. But that doesn't mean I actually watch it... I know literally nothing about any of the buzz shows, can't name anyone who won an Emmy, don't subscribe to HBO and don't know how to operate TiVo. My boob-tube viewing consists of too much ESPN, any Sox game I can catch, some local/national news and "Lost. That's it...

Although, I have started enjoying Man vs. Wild on the Discovery Channel (I think that's where it's on - I'll watch the re-runs if I'm flipping through and it's on. Fascinating stuff! Actually, maybe I will blog about this show. But that's it.)

2) Film
I know absolutely nothing about film. I have lived a five minute's walk from the premier indie cinema in the Boston area for 15 months and I've gone there only once. The last three movies I saw were Knocked Up, Ocean's 13, and Pirates of the Caribbean.

A film buff, I am not. I enjoy watching an artfully done film with subtitles... but I never hear about them, never read up on them, never look to see when they're playing, don't order them on demand and couldn't care less who the next breakout starlet is.

3) My personal life
I am not emo. Online shiznit is not my life. I haven't used AIM in four years. I will not post naked pictures of myself.

Unless you ask me nicely...

I'll write about day-to-day things, but you won't ever see me bare my heart and soul about anything that's too personal to have a complete stranger read. C'mon people, that's what bathroom stalls are for!

Maybe I'll add some more to this list later on, but that's good for a start.

As to what I'll actually be writing about, I really have no idea. I know that all good blogs must have a theme, right? But right now... I am themeless. Pointless.

"Pointless Nostalgic, that's me." - Jaime Cullum

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